Logistics Facilities

LUB has comprehensive experiences in planning and realisation of logistics centres. The range of services in the field of logistics facilities in particular for freight villages, intermodal terminals, railway sidings and truck stops includes the expert support and project management in the following areas:
- Locational analysis
- Traffic potential analysis
- Purchase of land plots
- Removal of old plants
- Remediation
- Development of the area
- Sale of plots
- Construction of rental properties
- Investor support and property management
- Planning and project management for transhipment facilities
Our company was commissioned for project management for the freight centre of Dresden. The modern forwarding center with adjoining intermodal terminal for combined transport was built on the site
of a former industrial wasteland. The LUB Consulting GmbH (plc) acts as a service provider for the GVZ-Entwicklungsgesellschaft Dresden mbH.
Since 1998 the LUB Consulting leads a branch office of the Deutsche GVZ-Gesellschaft mbH (DGG), the umbrella organisation of the German Freight Villages.
References for this business area you can find here.