Expert Consultancy

LUB Consulting provides consultancy services to decision makers in the field of logistics industry and for regional and local authorities. The main focuses are set on projects in the framework of Trans-European Networks (TEN-T), on the development of grant applications as well as on projects in urban and regional development.

  • Grant applications for terminal infrastructure investments according to the funding guidelines for intermodal transport
  • Grant applications for private railway sidings (SGFFG, Germany)
  • Elaboration of grant applications (TEN-T, LEADER, INTERREG, HORIZON 2020)
  • Expertise for TEN-T corridors, e.g. for the New Railway Line Dresden – Prague which is part of the Orient/East-Med Corridor
  • Elaboration of bidding and tender documents
  • Apply for funding for development of intermodal transport, for example the program Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)
  • Technical support for EU projects
  • Analyses of local and regional transport flows


References to this business segment you can find here.